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Dartboard – App Review

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dartboard-App-IconDartboard is an iPhone app that fits the current social media craze like a glove. This quirky, fun voice warping app allows you to record voice messages for your friends and then apply effects to make you sound like anything from a monster to a mouse! Super easy to use, and fun to play around with, the Dartboard app is a fresh alternative when you need a break from texting or phone calling.

Smartphone users who are familiar with the popular phone app Snapchat will feel right at home navigating the world of Dartboard. Just like Snapchat, Dartboard allows its users to create an account which they have the option to link up to their Facebook profiles. Users can search for their friends by either connecting to Facebook and receiving notifications when their pals join the Dartboard world, or by simply typing in and searching for their friends’ Dartboard user name. As soon as you have added your friends, you can let the games begin! If you would rather keep your account private, that is an option, too: scroll through the Dartboard Settings and turn off the “Discoverable in Search” option.

The Dartboard operational screen features an ombre blue to orange background featuring a large, red, “Record” button. When you are ready to voice your message, simply click the red button and hold down “Record” for the duration of your speaking. Snapchat users are no stranger to this process- it works in exactly the same way as does filming a Snapchat video message. If you make a mistake while speaking, simply slide your finger off the Record button and begin again. Once you have a recorded a message that you are satisfied with, it is time for you to add some funky effects!

The effects are, hands down, the best part of the Dartboard app. You can choose from Borg Effect, which make you sound like a very cool, very evil, somewhat auto tuned robot; Helium Effect, which sounds your voice up into the octave of a mouse and makes for a great comedic message; Hunk Effect, which transforms your message into a sexy, sauntering soliloquy; Invader Effect, which sounds like an Alien Invasion gone deliciously rogue; or No Effect- just your lovely, original voice without and bells or whistles.

You have chosen your effects, recorded your message, and are loving the sound of your voice rocking out your message. Now you are ready to send your first dart! In the world of Dartboard, messages sent and received are called Darts. The whole idea of the app as a game- a dart game- is very fun and interesting indeed. It makes sense: you are shooting messages at your friends, hoping to hit the humor bulls eye, much like you would with darts. And, the more messages you send and receive, the more points you accumulate. You can check your Dartboard Settings tab in order to keep track of your high soaring scoring.

Dartboard looks clean and modern, is a cinch to use, and provides a whole lot of goofy fun. It is a fantastic new social media medium that is sure to be getting a lot of attention. What are you waiting for? Join the app!

Dartboard is an iPhone app that fits the current social media craze like a glove. This quirky, fun voice warping app allows you to record voice messages for your friends and then apply effects to make you sound like anything from a monster to a mouse! Super easy to use, and fun to play around with, the Dartboard app is a fresh alternative when you need a break from texting or phone calling. Smartphone users who are familiar with the popular phone app Snapchat will feel right at home navigating the world of Dartboard. Just like Snapchat, Dartboard allows its users to create an account which they have the option to link up to their Facebook profiles. Users can search for their friends by either connecting to Facebook and receiving notifications when their pals join the Dartboard world, or by simply typing in and searching for their friends' Dartboard user name. As soon as you have added your friends, you can let the games begin! If you would rather keep your account private, that is an option, too: scroll through the Dartboard Settings and turn off the "Discoverable in Search" option. The Dartboard operational screen features an ombre blue to orange background featuring a large, red, "Record" button. When you are ready to voice your message, simply click the red button and hold down "Record" for the duration of your speaking. Snapchat users are no stranger to this process- it works in exactly the same way as does filming a Snapchat video message. If you make a mistake while speaking, simply slide your finger off the Record button and begin again. Once you have a recorded a message that you are satisfied with, it is time for you to add some funky effects! The effects are, hands down, the best part of the Dartboard app. You can choose from Borg Effect, which make you sound like a very cool, very evil, somewhat auto tuned robot; Helium Effect, which sounds your voice up into the octave of a mouse and makes for a great comedic message; Hunk Effect, which transforms your message into a sexy, sauntering soliloquy; Invader Effect, which sounds like an Alien Invasion gone deliciously rogue; or No Effect- just your lovely, original voice without and bells or whistles. You have chosen your effects, recorded your message, and are loving the sound of your voice rocking out your message. Now you are ready to send your first dart! In the world of Dartboard, messages sent and received are called Darts. The whole idea of the app as a game- a dart game- is very fun and interesting indeed. It makes sense: you are shooting messages at your friends, hoping to hit the humor bulls eye, much like you would with darts. And, the more messages you send and receive, the more points you accumulate. You can check your Dartboard Settings tab in order to keep track of your high soaring scoring. Dartboard looks clean and modern, is a cinch…

AppsListo - App Review

App Concept
Feature Set
User Experience
Social Features
Reuse Value


Dartboard looks clean and modern, is a cinch to use, and provides a whole lot of goofy fun. It is a fantastic new social media medium that is sure to be getting a lot of attention.

User Rating: 4.68 ( 2 votes)
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