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BLU Partners with Celltick to Enable Start-Based Interface for New Phones

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Celltick Start Now Powers the Interface of All BLU phones, Creating Smarter, More Engaging

User Interactions

 Two major companies- Celltick and BLU have partnered to give their users an intelligent interface that is extremely easy to use. BLU is one of the fastest growing mobile device manufacturers in the world. It is also the largest direct-to-consumer mobile phone brand in America. Celltick is a world leader in global marketing. These two have come together so that the latest BLU Android devices wwill now be powered by Celltick Start. The Vivo X and Vivo 5 model are to feature the Start interface at the CES Show, Las Vegas.

“BLU Products focuses extensively on creating mobile devices that are fun, easy to use and stimulating,” says Mariana Ferreira, Sr. Director of Business Development, BLU Products. “Celltick’s Start helps us to increase the appeal of our products even further, by enabling a highly-engaging and personalized user experience, every time a user interacts with their phone. Across the globe, smartphone adoption is continuing at a rampant pace, and partnerships with companies like Celltick enable us to better capitalize on these opportunities.”

The Celltick Start interface is user aware and user friendly. It gives you what you expect of your phone when you wake it up. Everything from making calls to taking photos to sending messages to launching your favourite apps can now be done with a single simple gesture. Users can place their preffered videos, news, sports, social media and much more on the Start screen. Celltick collaborates with device manufacturers, media companies and operators to provide their users with a top-notch user experience.

What sets the Celltick Start interface apart is its artificial intelligence. Unlike other interfaces, you do not have to tell it what you like. It comes with an intelligent back end that automatically identifies usage patterns and adjusts your start screen in real time to make it personal. It makes big data and machine learning to make your phone feel personal and unique to you. It has proven to be a unique solution that is being adopted by over 40 media companies, operators and device manufacturing companies across the globe.

“In a hypercompetitive mobile device market, manufacturers must utilize every opportunity to build brand loyalty. We are proud to partner with a high quality affordable device manufacturer such as BLU to disrupt the North American device market. We are confident that we will enable BLU to craft out a new identity to create personalized technology,” says Ramgopal Vidyanand, VP of Business Development and Marketing at Celltick. “BLU Products is making its new models more appealing to a wide range of user segments. With Start, we are glad to further their ambitions to democratize the smartphone market.”


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