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Website Builder – REVIEW

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Website building is now made easy, cheap and simple as long as you own an android phone, tablet or a computer. You can now build your own website with no prior experience or technicalities required. This is made possible with SimDif app. The app enables you to easily create website for your business and start using it straight away.

i. Concept

This app is designed for users of android, iOS and even computers. It allows you to create and maintain your professional website in a quick and effective way just using your smartphone. It comes with unique features with free starter sites enabling you to create up to 7 pages with different options for gallery, links, web pages, journal pages and contact form. The features come with opportunities to add photos, YouTube videos, and Flickr images and have both Facebook and Twitter like buttons. Additional features include Theme designer for designing your own themes, Google analytics, Integrated PayPal, Multi-language sites and user domain.


ii. User Interface

The website builder is easy to use with your android phone with no prior experience on building websites and no technological difficulties. With SimDfi app, you can build your website and organize your content quickly and easily. There are no ads and no code to lean making it easy to work with. It also comes with free Web Hosting. Leaning to work with the app is made easy as it comes with build-in tips and guides. SimDif team is available to answer all your questions and help you out when you get stuck.

iii. User Experience

The app has received positive acceptance among android users with testimonials from fans. The ease of use and simplicity of the app have gained it more downloads and usage from website builders. The fact that you don’t have to hire another person to build a website for your business is the dream of most business owners out there and SimDif website builder have made the dream to come true.

Website building is now made easy, cheap and simple as long as you own an android phone, tablet or a computer. You can now build your own website with no prior experience or technicalities required. This is made possible with SimDif app. The app enables you to easily create website for your business and start using it straight away. i. Concept This app is designed for users of android, iOS and even computers. It allows you to create and maintain your professional website in a quick and effective way just using your smartphone. It comes with unique features with free starter sites enabling you to create up to 7 pages with different options for gallery, links, web pages, journal pages and contact form. The features come with opportunities to add photos, YouTube videos, and Flickr images and have both Facebook and Twitter like buttons. Additional features include Theme designer for designing your own themes, Google analytics, Integrated PayPal, Multi-language sites and user domain. ii. User Interface The website builder is easy to use with your android phone with no prior experience on building websites and no technological difficulties. With SimDfi app, you can build your website and organize your content quickly and easily. There are no ads and no code to lean making it easy to work with. It also comes with free Web Hosting. Leaning to work with the app is made easy as it comes with build-in tips and guides. SimDif team is available to answer all your questions and help you out when you get stuck. iii. User Experience The app has received positive acceptance among android users with testimonials from fans. The ease of use and simplicity of the app have gained it more downloads and usage from website builders. The fact that you don’t have to hire another person to build a website for your business is the dream of most business owners out there and SimDif website builder have made the dream to come true. [taq_review] [symple_button url="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.simple_different.android" color="blue" button_target="_self" btnrel="nofollow"]Download From Google Play[/symple_button] [symple_button url="https://itunes.apple.com/app/id560089880" color="blue" button_target="_self" btnrel="nofollow"]Download From iTunes[/symple_button]

AppListo - App review

User Interface
User Experience
Value to Money


With SimDif you can - create - and maintain - your own professional website also from your Android device. Build your presentation site quickly and effectively.

User Rating: 4.4 ( 1 votes)

Download From Google Play

Download From iTunes

Article Categories:
Android Apps · iPhone / iPad Apps

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