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Eva Be Real – Social Video App Review

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eva_app_iconHave an Amazing and Unstoppable Video Experience with eva app

There is nothing interesting than having a great video experience and being able to share it with friends. This is something that is enjoyable, fascinating and worth remembering; it arouses amusement and a great sense of reminiscence to individuals captured on the video. Eva app is the new trending app in the social network with a great taste of quality and captivating video content. 

Having been introduced just a day after Valentine (on 15th February, 2016), this English-based app from Forbidden Technologies has incorporated all great features that make one capture unlimited videos. It is absolutely designed for real people who are ready to have a real experience in the social network platform.

Functionality of eva app

This version 1.1.1 of eva app works very efficiently on iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone devices. Besides, it adopts the iOS 8.0 or any operating system with a much greater capability. Interestingly, this latest version has upgraded and it now possesses great optimization features besides having fixed the bug issues.

How is the operation of this app?

This awesome app is pretty simple to operate. It actually allows the user to capture countless videos and share memorable life experiences. Everything is clearly expressed through the video content. What about the storage platform? Apparently, the videos can be safely kept in the eva cloud video thus implying that they will remain there for unlimited time immemorial. Furthermore, it gives an individual a chance to establish a social profile, make comments and likes on different videos, follow other people and also facilitate sharing of different amazing clips.

Great features offered by eva app

Private account setting

This new version of eva app has been designed in a way that confidentiality is guaranteed to its users. Once an individual has activated the “private account” status, this provides him or her with the option of the type of followers to accept. Those followers approved can only have the access to the user’s status and updates. Besides, there is the option for blocking or muting followers who doesn’t meet required preferences.

Automatic video upload

Once video content has been taken using this eva app, it is posted directly on the user’s online platform. The public feed of the user can also access the video once it has been uploaded. To discover great and interesting video content from communities, events and channels, the user can apply the hash tag (#) which can give the right direction to such videos.

Great expression of thought through a video

An individual can capture a short video clip covering any interesting topic the share it on the eva public feed. This can be followed with a personal expression on the video content. Besides, one can formulate a video expressing his personality, experiences and an individual’s real life situation.

Develop a video diary

This can happen if the user has accumulated quite a great number of videos. Each video can be tagged with personal life experience and suggestions. This can then be shared with the people around one’s circle and the experience is incredible.

In addition, eva app contains different buttons at the upper part of the screen indicating Favorites, Public, My Feed and Friends. It also indicates the period the video was captured, the number of likes and comments posted.


  • Induces great sense of humor
  • Great and quality video content
  • Great unstoppable experience
  • Efficient in performance
  • Easy to install, operate and use


  • Infrequent in operation
  • Fearful and mild horror themes 


This top-rated eva app has come out as an exceptional tool for social networking. Its consistent upgrade in performance makes it efficient in meeting user’s interests. This has made the social life real and exciting. Apparently eva app is available for free download (size 77.9MB) on iTunes. Let’s be real and excited on eva.

Have an Amazing and Unstoppable Video Experience with eva app There is nothing interesting than having a great video experience and being able to share it with friends. This is something that is enjoyable, fascinating and worth remembering; it arouses amusement and a great sense of reminiscence to individuals captured on the video. Eva app is the new trending app in the social network with a great taste of quality and captivating video content.  Having been introduced just a day after Valentine (on 15th February, 2016), this English-based app from Forbidden Technologies has incorporated all great features that make one capture unlimited videos. It is absolutely designed for real people who are ready to have a real experience in the social network platform. Functionality of eva app This version 1.1.1 of eva app works very efficiently on iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone devices. Besides, it adopts the iOS 8.0 or any operating system with a much greater capability. Interestingly, this latest version has upgraded and it now possesses great optimization features besides having fixed the bug issues. How is the operation of this app? This awesome app is pretty simple to operate. It actually allows the user to capture countless videos and share memorable life experiences. Everything is clearly expressed through the video content. What about the storage platform? Apparently, the videos can be safely kept in the eva cloud video thus implying that they will remain there for unlimited time immemorial. Furthermore, it gives an individual a chance to establish a social profile, make comments and likes on different videos, follow other people and also facilitate sharing of different amazing clips. Great features offered by eva app Private account setting This new version of eva app has been designed in a way that confidentiality is guaranteed to its users. Once an individual has activated the “private account” status, this provides him or her with the option of the type of followers to accept. Those followers approved can only have the access to the user’s status and updates. Besides, there is the option for blocking or muting followers who doesn’t meet required preferences. Automatic video upload Once video content has been taken using this eva app, it is posted directly on the user’s online platform. The public feed of the user can also access the video once it has been uploaded. To discover great and interesting video content from communities, events and channels, the user can apply the hash tag (#) which can give the right direction to such videos. Great expression of thought through a video An individual can capture a short video clip covering any interesting topic the share it on the eva public feed. This can be followed with a personal expression on the video content. Besides, one can formulate a video expressing his personality, experiences and an individual’s real life situation. Develop a video diary This can happen if the user has accumulated quite a great number of videos. Each video can be tagged with personal…

AppsListo - App Review

App Concept
App Features
App User Experience
Reuse Value


A high quality video sharing social platform absolutely designed for real people who are ready to have a real experience in the social network platform.

User Rating: 4.45 ( 1 votes)

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iPhone / iPad Apps

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