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Zone Diet – App Review

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zone_diet_app_iconZone Diet – Realistic Choice for a Low Carb High Protein Diet

If you want to spot your garment size in the section of discounted items in the retail outlet, you need to be within an optimized vital statics. In general, you need to be in shape and within a bearable kilo range to strike a pose with that sexy little black dress. But there are numerous problems behind staying fit. Apart from controlling your indomitable hunger, you need to understand your body type, weight by height ratio, kind of diet you need to abide by and obviously the form of exercise you need to do along with the duration of sweat shedding. A trained nutritionist or diet expert can mentor you accurately in these grounds. But, a professional dietician demands a huge some of money and maximum people fail to afford that money or regard it as a little too luxury to pay for. In this tech savvy market with everything coming under the territory of the virtual world, the dieticians are not a difference. Zone Diet- Realistic choice for Low Crab High Protein Diet by Apps Genie Limited is an expert virtual dietician who effectively guides its user to a dream figure under the control regulation of rich protein diet.


Some of the amazing features of this virtual sliming corner are jotted down below in this article.

  • A detail follow up chart: If you furnish your exact weight, height, age and gender details, it will calculate your appropriate weight band and will show how many kilos you are required to squeeze out from your fatty body.
  • Diet plan: Apart from measuring extra kilos it will also provide you with a healthy yet protein rich diet chart where carbohydrate has negligible presence.
  • Calorie intake: If you update its diet chart with you daily food intake on hourly basics, then it will calculate the total number to calorie gain per day and will also show that whether you are munching more or less.
  • Exercise plans: Eating restricted diet is not enough, you need to do some physical exercise as well. Zone diet bestows you with handful of exercise regime for your unique body type.
  • Moral boost: It also gives you some bucket full of nerve gearing tips, like the tricks which you must follow to achieve you perfect figure.
  • Recipes: Its menu blog has some exciting collection of mouth watering recipes, both for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. All these recipes are critically designed for healthy conscious person, having all the goodness of green vegetables, nutrients and protein and are undoubtedly low in calorie content.


  • Small memory space: This healthy app, do not demands a GB grossing volume. It is just 58.3 MB in size and is easy to download and install.
  • Language: The entire lay out and content is drafted in easy smooth English. Anybody can quickly nail its instructions and follow it accordingly.
  • Compatibility: Compatible with iOS 6 and other latest versions.
  • Graphics: Display is attractive and engaging with suggestive yet appropriate themes.


Zone Diet, is a brand new app in the fitness zone of smart phone. It was launched on September 2015. Keeping its launched date in mind it can be said that, it is still in its neonatal stage to receive critical reviews. However certain negative feedbacks were registered from the customer’s corner but those reviews are not that significant and are few too in number to come under the list of considerations.

Final Verdict:

Staying fit and fine is the latest trend in Vogue. However, trend is just a posh term, residing within the acceptable zone of weight band is the prime criteria of staying healthy and fit. Every body demands fitness for its uninterrupted output. Though there are numerous weight loss guide app, but this Zone diet is something new to vouch for. So eat fraction of your internet coverage and download Zone diet to get your eating guidance.

Zone Diet - Realistic Choice for a Low Carb High Protein Diet If you want to spot your garment size in the section of discounted items in the retail outlet, you need to be within an optimized vital statics. In general, you need to be in shape and within a bearable kilo range to strike a pose with that sexy little black dress. But there are numerous problems behind staying fit. Apart from controlling your indomitable hunger, you need to understand your body type, weight by height ratio, kind of diet you need to abide by and obviously the form of exercise you need to do along with the duration of sweat shedding. A trained nutritionist or diet expert can mentor you accurately in these grounds. But, a professional dietician demands a huge some of money and maximum people fail to afford that money or regard it as a little too luxury to pay for. In this tech savvy market with everything coming under the territory of the virtual world, the dieticians are not a difference. Zone Diet- Realistic choice for Low Crab High Protein Diet by Apps Genie Limited is an expert virtual dietician who effectively guides its user to a dream figure under the control regulation of rich protein diet. Features: Some of the amazing features of this virtual sliming corner are jotted down below in this article. A detail follow up chart: If you furnish your exact weight, height, age and gender details, it will calculate your appropriate weight band and will show how many kilos you are required to squeeze out from your fatty body. Diet plan: Apart from measuring extra kilos it will also provide you with a healthy yet protein rich diet chart where carbohydrate has negligible presence. Calorie intake: If you update its diet chart with you daily food intake on hourly basics, then it will calculate the total number to calorie gain per day and will also show that whether you are munching more or less. Exercise plans: Eating restricted diet is not enough, you need to do some physical exercise as well. Zone diet bestows you with handful of exercise regime for your unique body type. Moral boost: It also gives you some bucket full of nerve gearing tips, like the tricks which you must follow to achieve you perfect figure. Recipes: Its menu blog has some exciting collection of mouth watering recipes, both for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. All these recipes are critically designed for healthy conscious person, having all the goodness of green vegetables, nutrients and protein and are undoubtedly low in calorie content. Pros: Small memory space: This healthy app, do not demands a GB grossing volume. It is just 58.3 MB in size and is easy to download and install. Language: The entire lay out and content is drafted in easy smooth English. Anybody can quickly nail its instructions and follow it accordingly. Compatibility: Compatible with iOS 6 and other latest versions. Graphics: Display is attractive and engaging…

AppsListo - App Review

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Overall Value


Zone Diet- Realistic choice for Low Crab High Protein Diet by Apps Genie Limited is an expert virtual dietician who effectively guides its user to a dream figure under the control regulation of rich protein diet.

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