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Yentle – App Review

Written by

yentle_app_iconDo you want to surprise your lover on valentine’s day in a very unique way? Is there a lady you always crush on and you would like to know if she has a crush on you too? Do not be perplexed because all the answers lie in your iPad or in your iPhone. This time Devista B.V has developed an application that can help you know if someone has a secret crush on you. The Yentle app is a free application that is going to enable you have a very awesome Valentines day.

When you download the Yentle application in your device you will be required to create a Yentle code. The Yentle code is subject to a small fee. You can then write the code on your happy valentines card on on a lovers’ card that you want to send to your crush. She will then be required to enter the code in her Yentle application where she will be able to know your message and also give you a feedback. When replying and unlocking the code the service is free. You should know that this process can only be successful if you share the same email adress or if your mobile phone matches. This application can create fun moments that can even be used even after the valentines day.

Creating the Yentle code is very easy because you will only be required to create an account with Yentle with your phone number and your email address. The second step is creating the code at a small fee of $0.99.


1. It is very safe. All your personal information is kept safe.
2. It is fun
3. It provides a good channel of talking to your crush in a very unique way
4. The Yentle application does not slow down the operations of your iOS device.
5. The application has suggestive themes that are mild in nature. They match the aim of owning Yentle.


1. The application requires a beyond 8.0 iOS operating system which is not affordable to many people in the society today.
2. Yentle supports only the English and Dutch languages making it not easy to be used by people who use popular languages like French, German and spanish among others.
3. The in-app purchase can sometimes be expensive to some people.

Looking at the strength of the pros we can say that Yentle is an awesome application that should be owned by anyone who wants to have a new phase of love in life. It is an applocation that can also be used by people who fear to express themselves to those that they love. It is the first application of this kind. We can be sure that with time that the developer will release new Yentle versions that will support other languages that are very popular in the world today. The newer versions can also create new channels of unlocking the Yentle code without the need of sharing the same phone number or email address.

You can always download Yentle from iTunes. You will only be required to have a free memory of 5.2 MB in your iPad or in your IPhone. You can also share your Yentle experiences with your family and friends.

Do you want to surprise your lover on valentine’s day in a very unique way? Is there a lady you always crush on and you would like to know if she has a crush on you too? Do not be perplexed because all the answers lie in your iPad or in your iPhone. This time Devista B.V has developed an application that can help you know if someone has a secret crush on you. The Yentle app is a free application that is going to enable you have a very awesome Valentines day. When you download the Yentle application in your device you will be required to create a Yentle code. The Yentle code is subject to a small fee. You can then write the code on your happy valentines card on on a lovers' card that you want to send to your crush. She will then be required to enter the code in her Yentle application where she will be able to know your message and also give you a feedback. When replying and unlocking the code the service is free. You should know that this process can only be successful if you share the same email adress or if your mobile phone matches. This application can create fun moments that can even be used even after the valentines day. Creating the Yentle code is very easy because you will only be required to create an account with Yentle with your phone number and your email address. The second step is creating the code at a small fee of $0.99. Pros 1. It is very safe. All your personal information is kept safe. 2. It is fun 3. It provides a good channel of talking to your crush in a very unique way 4. The Yentle application does not slow down the operations of your iOS device. 5. The application has suggestive themes that are mild in nature. They match the aim of owning Yentle. Cons 1. The application requires a beyond 8.0 iOS operating system which is not affordable to many people in the society today. 2. Yentle supports only the English and Dutch languages making it not easy to be used by people who use popular languages like French, German and spanish among others. 3. The in-app purchase can sometimes be expensive to some people. Looking at the strength of the pros we can say that Yentle is an awesome application that should be owned by anyone who wants to have a new phase of love in life. It is an applocation that can also be used by people who fear to express themselves to those that they love. It is the first application of this kind. We can be sure that with time that the developer will release new Yentle versions that will support other languages that are very popular in the world today. The newer versions can also create new channels of unlocking the Yentle code without the need of sharing the same phone number…

AppsListo - App Review

App Concept
Feature Set
User Experience
Value to Money


Yentle is an awesome application that should be owned by anyone who wants to have a new phase of love in life.

User Rating: 4.6 ( 1 votes)

Download From App Store

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