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Timeline Trip Edinburgh-
Relive the history of Edinburgh

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timeline_iconEdinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is a fascinating city that is sure to capture your attention. It has a rich history and heritage that most people residing there or visiting the place are unaware of. The true beauty of the city lies in these. If you are planning to visit the place, it is time to view it in a new light altogether with the Android app ‘Timeline Trip Edinburgh’. There are a lot of facts and a good amount of history behind the city that will leave you in awe. This app will help you figure this out.

Timeline Trip Edinburgh is not an app that just gives you facts and figures or throws up lines of history at you. That way, the chances of you reliving all of those would be very low. To truly immerse you in the city, it takes up a slightly different and unique approach. It takes you behind in time as you travel through the city. The app has a GPS tracker that will track your location and help you relive the place as it was in the past. As you walk the map, it will tell you about the various characters, stories, secrets and legends that have surrounded it over time and spanning different eras.

There are so many facts about the city. What is not Princes Street Gardens used to once be a lake. The Edinburgh capital has a long history behind it as well. The National Monument of Scotland, situated on the Calton Hill east of Princes Street, is also called ‘Scotland’s Disgrace’! There is a long story behind the nick name too. Everything from the Stuart’s to The Union of the Crowns to the Scottish Enlightenment to the Industrial Revolution to the modern era is covered by the app. You can see the changes the city has undergone over time with the help of illustrations and stories that have been classified according to time.

This app has been written by the best and most well know tour guides that the city has. All stories have been divided as per the timeline based on the recollections and knowledge gathered from these guides. You can change the transparency of the map to view the changes over time. to ensure that you do not feel lost in the city, there is a GPS tracker which will help you locate yourself on the map. For the benefit of tourists, it has also been translated into Spanish and English.

With the help of Timeline Trip Edinburgh, you can truly make the most of your trip to Edinburgh and find out why it has been declared a World Heritage. There is so much to discover and uncover in the city. The app can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store. All you need is an Android device with Android 2.3 or higher versions and 146MB of free space on your device. Developers CARBONBYTE LTD. have indeed done a great job on the app.

Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is a fascinating city that is sure to capture your attention. It has a rich history and heritage that most people residing there or visiting the place are unaware of. The true beauty of the city lies in these. If you are planning to visit the place, it is time to view it in a new light altogether with the Android app ‘Timeline Trip Edinburgh’. There are a lot of facts and a good amount of history behind the city that will leave you in awe. This app will help you figure this out. Timeline Trip Edinburgh is not an app that just gives you facts and figures or throws up lines of history at you. That way, the chances of you reliving all of those would be very low. To truly immerse you in the city, it takes up a slightly different and unique approach. It takes you behind in time as you travel through the city. The app has a GPS tracker that will track your location and help you relive the place as it was in the past. As you walk the map, it will tell you about the various characters, stories, secrets and legends that have surrounded it over time and spanning different eras. There are so many facts about the city. What is not Princes Street Gardens used to once be a lake. The Edinburgh capital has a long history behind it as well. The National Monument of Scotland, situated on the Calton Hill east of Princes Street, is also called ‘Scotland’s Disgrace’! There is a long story behind the nick name too. Everything from the Stuart’s to The Union of the Crowns to the Scottish Enlightenment to the Industrial Revolution to the modern era is covered by the app. You can see the changes the city has undergone over time with the help of illustrations and stories that have been classified according to time. This app has been written by the best and most well know tour guides that the city has. All stories have been divided as per the timeline based on the recollections and knowledge gathered from these guides. You can change the transparency of the map to view the changes over time. to ensure that you do not feel lost in the city, there is a GPS tracker which will help you locate yourself on the map. For the benefit of tourists, it has also been translated into Spanish and English. With the help of Timeline Trip Edinburgh, you can truly make the most of your trip to Edinburgh and find out why it has been declared a World Heritage. There is so much to discover and uncover in the city. The app can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store. All you need is an Android device with Android 2.3 or higher versions and 146MB of free space on your device. Developers CARBONBYTE LTD. have indeed done a great job on the app.…

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Timeline Trip Edinburgh is not an app that just gives you facts and figures or throws up lines of history at you. The app takes up a slightly different and unique approach and takes you behind in time as you travel through the city.

User Rating: 4.6 ( 1 votes)

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