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Pipe Micro messenger Review For Android

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Did you know that there is a fresh and tremendous concept in the messaging world? The recently launched Pipe micro messenger application, which is exclusively designed for Android users, will certainly make communication easier while presenting a lot of fun in the messaging world. Since its official launch, the app has seen over 10,000+ Android users install it—thanks to its brilliant features that promise to revolutionize the entire messaging world.

App Description

Pipe is the simplest messaging app for Android, and allows users to send and receive micro messages encompassing a dot, link and message. The app boasts additional features, including optional subscription to news and feed—which will indisputably replace the current messenger you are using. It is similarly the smartest possible alternative to missed calls.

It is an exceptional messaging application that will let users send a Dot to their friends and loved ones. The supposed DOT will simply substitute the missed call routine of most people. With the new app, you can just Dot anything you need to convey the essential message to the intended recipient.

Pipe, like any other fresh idea in the world of technology, will need you to take some time to learn it so you can adapt to the new concept. While it can be somewhat intimidating for beginners to understand how to use this new app, everyone can ultimately learn and understand the new app and find how handy it is when it comes to messaging.

How it works

With this new app, you can simply Dot for anything. For instance, you can Dot for coming home late, Dot for reaching school early and the list is infinite. This does not just imply that you send Dots in Pipe messenger. For those who are much inclined to sending traditional texts, the pipe will not stop you.

The app boasts an all-encompassing library of quick words built-in. All you need to do is select the word you like in the app library, and then send an appropriate message rather than incorporating Dots. Also, the app allows you to send long messages in it, such as “I might come home late today. Are you coming for me?”


– Links are opened within pipe, and thus users are not obliged to switch to their browser
– Users can Dot with traditional messages, quick words and links
– Users can choose to subscribe to different blogs and services—all without the need to share their phone number or email
– Pipe flows lets users to subscribe and receive Dots for different events; including weather, internships, deals, news updates and many more.

In a nutshell, pipe messenger allows users to stay atop all the things that matter most in life. It does it better by supplying additional features, such as the link receiver option, which allows people eyeing for jobs to receive fresh updates on job openings—especially from their favorite rock band.

When you subscribe and ultimately receive a Dot about a specific job alert from pipe, you will be required to click that (specific) Dot link where you will be transferred to your update through the app’s built-in browser. Apparently, it is extremely easy, since all you have to do is to make sure you subscribe some feeds supplied by the app itself.

What is even more important is the subscription does not involve supplying any sensitive contact information, such as your name, email or phone number. This is essentially a simple aspect, yet it absolutely makes the Pipe Messenger App and its developer more genuine—allowing users to make use of the new app with total freedom and confidence.

Did you know that there is a fresh and tremendous concept in the messaging world? The recently launched Pipe micro messenger application, which is exclusively designed for Android users, will certainly make communication easier while presenting a lot of fun in the messaging world. Since its official launch, the app has seen over 10,000+ Android users install it—thanks to its brilliant features that promise to revolutionize the entire messaging world. App Description Pipe is the simplest messaging app for Android, and allows users to send and receive micro messages encompassing a dot, link and message. The app boasts additional features, including optional subscription to news and feed—which will indisputably replace the current messenger you are using. It is similarly the smartest possible alternative to missed calls. It is an exceptional messaging application that will let users send a Dot to their friends and loved ones. The supposed DOT will simply substitute the missed call routine of most people. With the new app, you can just Dot anything you need to convey the essential message to the intended recipient. Pipe, like any other fresh idea in the world of technology, will need you to take some time to learn it so you can adapt to the new concept. While it can be somewhat intimidating for beginners to understand how to use this new app, everyone can ultimately learn and understand the new app and find how handy it is when it comes to messaging. How it works With this new app, you can simply Dot for anything. For instance, you can Dot for coming home late, Dot for reaching school early and the list is infinite. This does not just imply that you send Dots in Pipe messenger. For those who are much inclined to sending traditional texts, the pipe will not stop you. The app boasts an all-encompassing library of quick words built-in. All you need to do is select the word you like in the app library, and then send an appropriate message rather than incorporating Dots. Also, the app allows you to send long messages in it, such as “I might come home late today. Are you coming for me?” Features - Links are opened within pipe, and thus users are not obliged to switch to their browser - Users can Dot with traditional messages, quick words and links - Users can choose to subscribe to different blogs and services—all without the need to share their phone number or email - Pipe flows lets users to subscribe and receive Dots for different events; including weather, internships, deals, news updates and many more. In a nutshell, pipe messenger allows users to stay atop all the things that matter most in life. It does it better by supplying additional features, such as the link receiver option, which allows people eyeing for jobs to receive fresh updates on job openings—especially from their favorite rock band. When you subscribe and ultimately receive a Dot about a specific job alert from pipe, you will…

Appslisto - App Review

App Concept
Feature Set
User Experience
Reuse Value


An exceptional messaging application that will let users send a Dot to their friends and loved ones. The supposed DOT will simply substitute the missed call routine of most people.

User Rating: 4.4 ( 1 votes)

Download From Google Play

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Android Apps

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