Roamer – App Review

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roamer_iconWe live in a world that are very connected and cannot live without a device called smartphone. To refresh ourselves, we usually go on a vacation on some remote countries, to escape our daily routines. Still we need to attend calls from our family members or make important call to our colleagues. If we go international tour, we cannot escape high roaming rates. Relationship are important than money, so we calls at any cost. To make such calls damn cheap, Roamer Labs Limited brought you an wonderful app named Roamer. The Roamer app is available for Android version 2.3, which means even your older devices are also supported.

Let us see the Roamer app works. Once you installed the app, you need to register and get verified. Then you can check your calling rates of your destination country. In fact you can even set the date of arrival at destination country to self-active the Roamer app service. Or you can do that after actually landed in the tourist place. Still the procedure goes. On your arrival at your destination country, you need to buy a local sim with a data plan. Most countries offer cheap prepaid plans for tourists and all you need to provide is a photocopy of your passport. If you buy a local sim, it will come handy to communicate with local services like your hotel or ask help to local police station on emergency. So its a win-win situation for you.  

Once you active the service in Roamer, you need to setup call forwarding service of your old number to your new temporary number. Roamer made it easy for you by providing easy to use interfaces. It works like a charm. Once you do that, you give get the parking settings. Once you get that, you need to your home number and put the local sim. Then Roamer app ask you submit the local number. After another verification, you are good to go.   

Now Roamer is good to go. You then buy cheap Roamer credits to make call to your country. People do not know that your are in vacation, as they see your original number, not roaming one. Roamer uses data plan in your new sim to connect to their intermediate servers and. If you could get free WiFi from your hotel or any other places, you can even use that. Roamer works perfectly on various cellular technologies like Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G. Roamer service is also available in more than 200 international countries including Europe, India, US & Australia.  

Once you return home, just check how much you spent on Roamer credits and what had to spent, if roaming services are used. You will amused to look at your savings and keep Roamer app on device for life.

We live in a world that are very connected and cannot live without a device called smartphone. To refresh ourselves, we usually go on a vacation on some remote countries, to escape our daily routines. Still we need to attend calls from our family members or make important call to our colleagues. If we go international tour, we cannot escape high roaming rates. Relationship are important than money, so we calls at any cost. To make such calls damn cheap, Roamer Labs Limited brought you an wonderful app named Roamer. The Roamer app is available for Android version 2.3, which means even your older devices are also supported. Let us see the Roamer app works. Once you installed the app, you need to register and get verified. Then you can check your calling rates of your destination country. In fact you can even set the date of arrival at destination country to self-active the Roamer app service. Or you can do that after actually landed in the tourist place. Still the procedure goes. On your arrival at your destination country, you need to buy a local sim with a data plan. Most countries offer cheap prepaid plans for tourists and all you need to provide is a photocopy of your passport. If you buy a local sim, it will come handy to communicate with local services like your hotel or ask help to local police station on emergency. So its a win-win situation for you.   Once you active the service in Roamer, you need to setup call forwarding service of your old number to your new temporary number. Roamer made it easy for you by providing easy to use interfaces. It works like a charm. Once you do that, you give get the parking settings. Once you get that, you need to your home number and put the local sim. Then Roamer app ask you submit the local number. After another verification, you are good to go.    Now Roamer is good to go. You then buy cheap Roamer credits to make call to your country. People do not know that your are in vacation, as they see your original number, not roaming one. Roamer uses data plan in your new sim to connect to their intermediate servers and. If you could get free WiFi from your hotel or any other places, you can even use that. Roamer works perfectly on various cellular technologies like Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G. Roamer service is also available in more than 200 international countries including Europe, India, US & Australia.   Once you return home, just check how much you spent on Roamer credits and what had to spent, if roaming services are used. You will amused to look at your savings and keep Roamer app on device for life. [taq_review] [symple_button url="" color="blue" button_target="_self" btnrel="nofollow"]Download From Google Play[/symple_button]

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Relationship are important than money, so we calls at any cost. To make such calls damn cheap, Roamer Labs Limited brought you an wonderful app named Roamer.

User Rating: 4.75 ( 1 votes)

Download From Google Play

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