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Home Decor Virtual Interior Design Tool

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homedecor_app_iconInterior Decoration is always a costly affair. Buying the right furniture for your living and bed room can be quite difficult if you don’t have the proper idea about how they will fit your room décor. This has been made easy by Home Decor Virtual Interior Design Tool. This app is available on iTunes for free and gives you a scope to visualize your room with the placement of furniture.

This app is made for all those people who would like to give a new look to their homes. The app can be used for any of the rooms of your house. Just click a picture of the room and place the picture of the furniture in the same. There are hundreds of furniture, pictures and home décor items available in the store. You can tap or swipe to change position of the item. The functioning of the app is quite easy.

You can save the picture that you like and then can book the products that suit your requirement. However, it is not mandatory to purchase the product from the vendor the Home Decor Virtual Interior Design Tool suggests. If you decide to purchase from the selected vendors you can avail lucrative discounts on items too. It is quite easy to make a decision about the interior of your home without spending money on the appointment of interior designers. It’s done in simple steps and there are so many ideas to brainstorm before you can choose your favourite design.

As far as the technical specification of the app is concerned, it is available for iPhones and iPad. IOS version 8.4 or later is required for the app. The version 1.0 of the app is available for free and it takes around 48.2 MB space on your device.

Interior Decoration is always a costly affair. Buying the right furniture for your living and bed room can be quite difficult if you don’t have the proper idea about how they will fit your room décor. This has been made easy by Home Decor Virtual Interior Design Tool. This app is available on iTunes for free and gives you a scope to visualize your room with the placement of furniture. This app is made for all those people who would like to give a new look to their homes. The app can be used for any of the rooms of your house. Just click a picture of the room and place the picture of the furniture in the same. There are hundreds of furniture, pictures and home décor items available in the store. You can tap or swipe to change position of the item. The functioning of the app is quite easy. You can save the picture that you like and then can book the products that suit your requirement. However, it is not mandatory to purchase the product from the vendor the Home Decor Virtual Interior Design Tool suggests. If you decide to purchase from the selected vendors you can avail lucrative discounts on items too. It is quite easy to make a decision about the interior of your home without spending money on the appointment of interior designers. It’s done in simple steps and there are so many ideas to brainstorm before you can choose your favourite design. As far as the technical specification of the app is concerned, it is available for iPhones and iPad. IOS version 8.4 or later is required for the app. The version 1.0 of the app is available for free and it takes around 48.2 MB space on your device. [taq_review] [symple_button url="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/home-decor-virtual-interior/id1043955274" color="blue" button_target="_self" btnrel="nofollow"]Download From App Store[/symple_button]

Appslisto - App Review

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User Experience
Reuse Value

DIY Special

This app is made for all those people who would like to give a new look to their homes. There are hundreds of furniture, pictures and home décor items available in the store. You can tap or swipe to change position of the item.

User Rating: 4.9 ( 1 votes)

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iPhone / iPad Apps

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