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Electronic Toolbox Pro- Electronics in your pocket

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electronics-toolbox-proIf you’re an electronics enthusiast or an engineer, you will know how hard it is to find good reference material. Sifting through a huge book for a small topic can be quite a challenge. What if we told you that you could use your iOS device as an Electronics Toolbox? Sounds like a dream right? Marcus Roskosch has developed an iOS app ‘Electronic Toolbox Pro’ to make this a reality. This is a niche app that covers a lot in the world of electronics- all in the comfort of your pocket

While the app started off in 2009, it is a huge improvement over the initial version of the app. It was the first of its kind in the niche, catering to students, hobbyists as well as professionals. It was a welcome change from the usual service apps in the market. It’s good to see apps that are being developed for less popular niches. The current version has a lot of additional features and superb design, making it the go-to app for all electronics.

This app is geared towards just anyone who wishes to learn about electronics. There are a lot of tools including calculators, database tools and tables of data related to electronics. Common ICs, resistor calculators and pinouts have been included as usual. What sets this app apart is the huge database of references. You can access these from anywhere, even in the absence of an internet connection. If you find a certain page particularly relevant and think you would need to refer to it often, then you can bookmark it for future use. There is a search feature on every page. This reduces a lot of work in the reference area.

The Projects tool is one of the highlights of the current version of the app. All data and information regarding a certain topic or project can be stored in a single place for easy access. Just one single container for all imports, diagrams, formulas and more related to a given project.

The developers have learnt from their past experiences and incorporated the suggestions from users in the previous versions into the current ones. This way, they have learnt a lot and also catered to the needs of the customers. It presently includes over 70 tools- ranging from simple ones for amateurs to complex ones for experts. It accommodates people from all walks of life- provided they have an interest in the world of electronics. It is everything you can need under a single umbrella, packaged within a neat interface.

The current version of the app is priced at $6.99 and can be purchased from the App Store. All it requires is 78.9 MB of free memory space on your iOS device and iOS 6.0 or later versions. While optimised for the iPhone 5, it is compatible with the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad. There are frequent updates with newer and better features and inclusions to the database. There is just so much you can do in the world of electronics using this app.

If you’re an electronics enthusiast or an engineer, you will know how hard it is to find good reference material. Sifting through a huge book for a small topic can be quite a challenge. What if we told you that you could use your iOS device as an Electronics Toolbox? Sounds like a dream right? Marcus Roskosch has developed an iOS app ‘Electronic Toolbox Pro’ to make this a reality. This is a niche app that covers a lot in the world of electronics- all in the comfort of your pocket While the app started off in 2009, it is a huge improvement over the initial version of the app. It was the first of its kind in the niche, catering to students, hobbyists as well as professionals. It was a welcome change from the usual service apps in the market. It’s good to see apps that are being developed for less popular niches. The current version has a lot of additional features and superb design, making it the go-to app for all electronics. This app is geared towards just anyone who wishes to learn about electronics. There are a lot of tools including calculators, database tools and tables of data related to electronics. Common ICs, resistor calculators and pinouts have been included as usual. What sets this app apart is the huge database of references. You can access these from anywhere, even in the absence of an internet connection. If you find a certain page particularly relevant and think you would need to refer to it often, then you can bookmark it for future use. There is a search feature on every page. This reduces a lot of work in the reference area. The Projects tool is one of the highlights of the current version of the app. All data and information regarding a certain topic or project can be stored in a single place for easy access. Just one single container for all imports, diagrams, formulas and more related to a given project. The developers have learnt from their past experiences and incorporated the suggestions from users in the previous versions into the current ones. This way, they have learnt a lot and also catered to the needs of the customers. It presently includes over 70 tools- ranging from simple ones for amateurs to complex ones for experts. It accommodates people from all walks of life- provided they have an interest in the world of electronics. It is everything you can need under a single umbrella, packaged within a neat interface. The current version of the app is priced at $6.99 and can be purchased from the App Store. All it requires is 78.9 MB of free memory space on your iOS device and iOS 6.0 or later versions. While optimised for the iPhone 5, it is compatible with the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad. There are frequent updates with newer and better features and inclusions to the database. There is just so much you can do in…

AppsListo - App Review

App Concept
Features / Database
User Experience
Reuse Value


With huge database of Electronics Items coupled with utility tools make it a perfect app for electronics students, hobbyists as well as professionals.

User Rating: 4.65 ( 1 votes)

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iPhone / iPad Apps

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