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Bonfire Trail : Get Ready to Save Layla from Monsters !

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Bonfire Trail is an international award winning app that was developed by Funbox Media for Green Lava Studios. The game features two cute meteors, Woby and his fiancee Lalya. The two lovers get lost in the Chuba forest. In the game, Woby tries to save Layla and to find their way back to the space. They have to face a number of hurdles in the forest such as the blue monsters who need heat from the meteors for cooking their food. The game mission is to protect Woby from the monsters and the native men and to assist him to rescue Layla.

Bonfire Trail gives the player a chance to choose different levels of difficulty making the game full of fun and thrill. But starting from the easiest level gives every player the opportunity to master the game. Note that the game has several levels that requires to be unlocked as one continues playing this game. There are 3 blue monsters in the game that are chasing Woby in the forest because they want the burning meteors, which they can use to cook their food.

The game comes with 4 themes and 80 animated backgrounds that match very well with the game. The player has no full control over Woby but instead can place markers to guide him to follow the trail by touching your iPhone screen. Help Woby escape from the little men and native monsters by lighting fires to distract them or helping him sneak around the blue monsters.

Gather the gems in every stage to advance to the next level for more exciting challenges. Some of the gems to collect include white diamond, blue sapphire and red ruby can be found in every level. The player can use the gems collected to unlock other game levels that are not only fun, but also give the player special side story.

Interestingly, Woby often refuses to collaborate with certain instructions or frequently taking longer and perilous paths to a marker than are presented or even refuses to avoid the obstacle that can be easily passable. These challenges make the game unique and fun to play. The hard or easy mode limits every and each stage to simply 3 taps, which make it hard to collect the gems necessary for unlocking an additional mode. As a result of this limitation completing game’s available levels become more difficult or even impossible.

The Bonfire Trail is available in both hard and easy mode, which make it appropriate for experienced and beginners as well. The players of all ages can play this game and enjoy the exhilarating experience of the Bonfire Trail as they try to help Woby find Layla in the dangerous forest full of monsters and yellow men who are in the need of fire to prepare their food.

The game needs i OS 5.0 or later. It is compatible with phone models like iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

Bonfire Trail is an international award winning app that was developed by Funbox Media for Green Lava Studios. The game features two cute meteors, Woby and his fiancee Lalya. The two lovers get lost in the Chuba forest. In the game, Woby tries to save Layla and to find their way back to the space. They have to face a number of hurdles in the forest such as the blue monsters who need heat from the meteors for cooking their food. The game mission is to protect Woby from the monsters and the native men and to assist him to rescue Layla. Bonfire Trail gives the player a chance to choose different levels of difficulty making the game full of fun and thrill. But starting from the easiest level gives every player the opportunity to master the game. Note that the game has several levels that requires to be unlocked as one continues playing this game. There are 3 blue monsters in the game that are chasing Woby in the forest because they want the burning meteors, which they can use to cook their food. The game comes with 4 themes and 80 animated backgrounds that match very well with the game. The player has no full control over Woby but instead can place markers to guide him to follow the trail by touching your iPhone screen. Help Woby escape from the little men and native monsters by lighting fires to distract them or helping him sneak around the blue monsters. Gather the gems in every stage to advance to the next level for more exciting challenges. Some of the gems to collect include white diamond, blue sapphire and red ruby can be found in every level. The player can use the gems collected to unlock other game levels that are not only fun, but also give the player special side story. Interestingly, Woby often refuses to collaborate with certain instructions or frequently taking longer and perilous paths to a marker than are presented or even refuses to avoid the obstacle that can be easily passable. These challenges make the game unique and fun to play. The hard or easy mode limits every and each stage to simply 3 taps, which make it hard to collect the gems necessary for unlocking an additional mode. As a result of this limitation completing game’s available levels become more difficult or even impossible. The Bonfire Trail is available in both hard and easy mode, which make it appropriate for experienced and beginners as well. The players of all ages can play this game and enjoy the exhilarating experience of the Bonfire Trail as they try to help Woby find Layla in the dangerous forest full of monsters and yellow men who are in the need of fire to prepare their food. The game needs i OS 5.0 or later. It is compatible with phone models like iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. [taq_review] [symple_button url="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bonfire-trail/id935616704?ls=1&mt=8" color="blue" button_target="_self" btnrel="nofollow"]Download from App Store[/symple_button]

AppsListo - App Review & Rating

Game Play elements
Graphic Elements
Sounds / Audio Fx
Replay Value

Fun Game

The graphical style used in the game will feel the hearts of the players with charm and excitement of the hand drawn art style of 80 levels enhanced by the 4 themes. 

User Rating: 4.35 ( 1 votes)

Download from App Store

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