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Greek Mythology Lovers Will Enjoy Using Sophrosyne App

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Almost all of us would have read at least a couple of Greek mythological tales during our childhood. Most of these tales are interesting and they get us hooked to Greek mythology. How would it be to read not one, but ten mystery stories involving the nine Muses or Goddesses of Greek mythology? Yes, you read it right. That is exactly what the iOS app Sophrosyne is all about. The app is available on the App Store for an incredibly low amount. For less than $3.00, you get to read ten mystery stories that keep you spellbound till the very end.

The nine Muses that Felix Long reflects in his stories are Calliope, Terpsichore, Euterpe, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Ouriane, Melpomene, and Polypymnia. Calliope is the Goddess of epic poetry while Terpsichore and Euterpe are the Goddesses of dance and musical instruments respectively. Clio, Erato, and Thalia are the Goddesses of history, love songs, and comedy. On the other hand, Ouriane, Melpomene, and Polypymnia are the Goddesses of astronomy, tragedy, and sacred songs respectively. To know how they play a pivotal role in helping the detective to solve the mystery of a series of bizarre deaths, you should have Sophrosyne on your iPad or iPhone.

Felix Long has penned the stories in such a way that the suspense is retained throughout each story and you will know why the murder took place only when you have finished reading it. This makes it irresistible and impossible for you to stop reading a story partway. If you are worried about the app taking up space on your phone, there is good news for you. Sophrosyne takes up less than 1GB of the overall memory of your gadget. And for such alow price, can you imagine getting 10 books of your favorite genre at a bookstore? Well, that is something next to impossible.

There is just one catch to using the Sophrosyne app. Because of the murders and violence in the story, the app is recommended only for people who are above 16 years of age. However, for readers who love both mystery and Greek mythology, the app is a blessing as they get to enjoy both in a single story. With ten such stories, the excitement only gets multifold! Once you have installed the app, a single tap on the icon will transport you into a whole new world of murder, mystery, and mythology.

Worth Having App – Download the App

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