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Get your good fortune with AR Maneki Neko

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A good fortune is what everyone likes to have. A majority of a part in the world believes in good luck. Here I’m telling about one app which is AR Maneki Neko. This is a mobile application which is available at iOS platform. The main concept of this app is all about the prediction of fortune through Maneki Neko cat which is considered to be lucky in Japan.

How this app will work?

The working strategy of AR Maneki Neko is very simple. When a user will initially download and install the app, one box will appear on the screen. On tapping this box, you will discover your own personal fortune cat. This cat will come with different themes and every user will get a different cat. It will give a coin on daily basis. At last, on completion of collection and exchange for more cats, your accessories will get unlock.

Highlighting features:

  • Designed for supporting of ARKit and ARKit2
  • High-Quality 3D rendering
  • Integration with the social network platform
  • Supporting two languages i.e. English & French
  • Many of the accessories available
  • Shop option to buy accessories
  • Comes in different colors and styles

The cat will dance, jump, gives different poses for pictures. Your beloved cat will be always with you because you can take it anywhere you want. From the AR feature, you can superimpose the cat into the real world and this gives you a unique experience.

AR Maneki Neko is for everyone and the cat will be with you. Download it now and get your fortune prediction.

Summary: AR Maneki Neko is a fortune-telling app. It’s all about a cute cat which will give you a coin on daily basis and predict your chance of hope to come true.

  • Features: 3.5
  • Usability: 4
  • Accessibility: 4
  • Graphics: 3.5

Worth Having app – Download for iosDeveloper Site

Article Categories:
iPhone / iPad Apps

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