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Readlax readers can double their reading speed in just 2 weeks with the right training and still understand the content.
Playing brain games can be a great way to stimulate your brain and keep it active. It has been shown that playing these games can also improve your cognitive abilities and memory, as well as help you stay sharp and focused.
The benefits of playing brain games are not only for children but also for adults. Playing these games can be a great way to stimulate your brain and keep it active. It has been shown that playing these games can also improve your cognitive abilities and memory, as well as help you stay sharp and focused.
Brain Training Games – A New Way to Prevent Dementia and Increase Mental Acuity
Brain training games have become increasingly popular in recent years. As we age, our brain starts to have trouble remembering things and solving problems. These games are designed to keep your brain active by solving puzzles or memorizing words.
There are many different types of brain training games, but the most popular ones are puzzle games like Sudoku, crossword puzzles, and word search. These types of games are good for people who want to sharpen their memory and increase mental acuity.
Brain training games can also be used as a preventative measure against dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. This is because the more you play these types of games, the more your brain will stay active and healthy for a longer period of time.
I work at a college as an Asst professor and we had our students use Readlax: Brain Games. The app was so intuitive and interactive that the students were hooked right away. The facilitator had to pry our students away from the screens to get them to turn in their coursework! It has helped my students to improve their test grades and have a better understanding of the material. This is as close to magic as it gets!
A small description of the App
Make your mind stronger with Readlax
With Readlax brain training app, you can boost your memory, read faster, and focus better.
· Readlax provides online brain games and workouts. The app includes:
· Memory Training
· Speed Reading
· Touch Typing
· Focus and Concentration
· Peripheral Vision
5 Stars from EducationalAppStore:
Among the best speed reading and brain training apps we have reviewed, Readlax: Brain Games is by far the best. This application encourages you to read, improve your vocabulary, and keep your brain super sharp not only thanks to its user-friendly platform and a variety of features, but also comes with a variety of features.
Rather than identifying single words on a page, speed reading involves quickly recognizing and absorbing entire phrases on the page. Information can be temporarily stored in working memory because of its limited capacity. Decision-making and behavior are guided by working memory.
1) Improves Concentration;
2) Boosts Memory;
3) Reduces Stress;
4) Enhances Learning Capacity;
5) Improves Empathy;
6) Expands Vocabulary.
Readlax readers can double their reading speed in just 2 weeks with the right training and still understand the content.

HOW DOES IT WORK? = Just a simple working
1) Play brain games;
2) Read books and news with phrase highlighting;
3) Test reading speed and comprehension.
Readlax can take a reading and comprehension test to measure the progress of your workout. Why? Reading is a cognitive function of our brain that uses working memory, encoding and decoding graphic images and words, focusing, and concentrating The more developed these cognitive skills are, the greater the speed of comprehension and reading.
We offer the following Pro subscriptions:
Monthly: $4.99 USD/month
Lifetime: $199.99 USD
I had a little trouble getting used to the app at first because it was so different from everything I had tried before. It only took me a few hours to understand the interface, however, and I have never been excited about any other brain game like this one. Readinglax has helped me visualize what words are coming next and reading has become so much easier for me