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(Ad) How Do Parcel Tracking Apps Work

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When you’ve made an online purchase the main thing you think about once you click “Place My Order” is when is your parcel getting to you, not how. As infuriating as it can be waiting for your purchase, you should be grateful you live in a time where you have an idea of where your post is. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes once you’ve clicked “Place My Order.”

Radio Frequency Identification

Your parcel will have its own unique barcode, which will be scanned during every step of the way. With online shopping become increasingly popular this will help prevent errors as each parcel can be carefully tracked. Each person who handles the parcel needs to scan the barcode. So as long as you have your tracking code, you can follow your parcel, whoever has it and wherever it is in the world.

Global Positioning System

This comes into play once your parcel is out for delivery. It used to be a case that people would be given a delivery slot, which potentially could be the entire day, and have to wait around at home until it arrived. Whereas now, you can track the driver’s location and have a much more accurate idea of when they will be arriving at your home. Plus embracing GPS benefits the driver, too, as they can be alerted to traffic reports and avoid busier routes. This  means they can get your parcel to you that little bit quicker.


Couriers are constantly at work picking the postal technology which will get your parcel to you effectively. Some will go as far to let you know when the parcel has been dispatched and that’s pretty much it. Others want you to be able to track you along the way. Parcel2Go is a great example of this, no matter if you’ve ordered abroad or just up the road, you can track your post every step of the way. Just make sure you keep a record of the tracking number, as that is the most important part of the entire process.


This is technology which some companies are just beginning to use. They could potentially change the world of postal delivery, saving driver time and the number of trips needed depending how much the drone carry. At the moment it seems to be businesses are starting small, and potentially building up. How effectively they’re used depends on the couriers implementing them.

When you've made an online purchase the main thing you think about once you click "Place My Order" is when is your parcel getting to you, not how. As infuriating as it can be waiting for your purchase, you should be grateful you live in a time where you have an idea of where your post is. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes once you've clicked "Place My Order." Radio Frequency Identification Your parcel will have its own unique barcode, which will be scanned during every step of the way. With online shopping become increasingly popular this will help prevent errors as each parcel can be carefully tracked. Each person who handles the parcel needs to scan the barcode. So as long as you have your tracking code, you can follow your parcel, whoever has it and wherever it is in the world. Global Positioning System This comes into play once your parcel is out for delivery. It used to be a case that people would be given a delivery slot, which potentially could be the entire day, and have to wait around at home until it arrived. Whereas now, you can track the driver's location and have a much more accurate idea of when they will be arriving at your home. Plus embracing GPS benefits the driver, too, as they can be alerted to traffic reports and avoid busier routes. This  means they can get your parcel to you that little bit quicker. Couriers Couriers are constantly at work picking the postal technology which will get your parcel to you effectively. Some will go as far to let you know when the parcel has been dispatched and that's pretty much it. Others want you to be able to track you along the way. Parcel2Go is a great example of this, no matter if you've ordered abroad or just up the road, you can track your post every step of the way. Just make sure you keep a record of the tracking number, as that is the most important part of the entire process. Drones This is technology which some companies are just beginning to use. They could potentially change the world of postal delivery, saving driver time and the number of trips needed depending how much the drone carry. At the moment it seems to be businesses are starting small, and potentially building up. How effectively they're used depends on the couriers implementing them. [taq_review]

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When you've made an online purchase the main thing you think about once you click "Place My Order" is when is your parcel getting to you, not how. As infuriating as it can be waiting for your purchase, you should be grateful you live in a time where you have an idea of where your post is

User Rating: 4.5 ( 1 votes)

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