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My Alarm Clock – Android App Review

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alarm_clock_iconMy Alarm Clock is an interactive android app which generally allow users to convert their phones to be like one big alarm clock and give it an experience of an alarm clock with a selection of favorite tunes as well as themes that you can also choose from and apply your favorite. It also comes equipped with weather information update, which enables you to view the weather information for a variety of regions at different time zones. It is designed with a sleep timer as well that can lull you to sleep at your appointed sleeping time.


My Alarm Clock is a great app specifically designed for those people who like to do specific tasks at the appointed time or the set time without any delay and as scheduled. This is because it comes equipped with a number of features, such as;

  • A wide variety of tunes to choose from or custom music: Using this app, you will be assured of a wide variety of tunes that you can use for the reminder alerts.
  • Designer themes and looks: The alarm clock app is designed and comes equipped with a number of designer themes that you can be able to choose from, for awesome looks of the alarm clock.
  • Beautiful Clock Widgets to choose from: You can be able to find a number of wonderful looking clock widgets that you can choose from, just in case the current look doesn’t look so pleasing to you.
  • Easy accessibility: As compared to the normal clock app your device, this app is easy to access as it will just be on your home screen, where you can use it at any time.
  • Background Alarm support: The alarm clock app comes equipped with a background support, where you do not have to worry about the app activated at all times as the alarm will still ring even if the app is not running.
  • Night-mode: You can easily be able to dim your alarm clock app when going to sleep such that the light does not inconvenience you.

How it Works

Once you download and install the ‘My Alarm clock’ app on your android device, you simply need to set the themes that you want, as well as the tunes, which can either be the default that comes with the app, or custom from the songs in your playlist, depending on your preferences. For the modes of your preference, such as night mode, you simply need to tap on the settings icon, then tap on the mode that you want.

  • Plenty of free themes as well as modes to choose from, that you can be able to customize your clock app with.
  • Nice tunes that you can customize according to your preference, to ensure that you wake up on time or do not miss any important event at all.
  • Selection of clock widgets that can enable you to check the time right on your home screen and easy access.
  • The app is free to install and does not occupy much of phone storage.


  • Requires latest android OS to function perfectly.
  • The app is not as popular as yet, as it is very recent.


Despite its recent release, My Alarm Clock app is a great software, especially if you want to keep at par with all your tasks in a day as scheduled and not miss anything important. What is more, the app is free to download and install on Google Play. Try it today for the best alarm clock experience!

My Alarm Clock is an interactive android app which generally allow users to convert their phones to be like one big alarm clock and give it an experience of an alarm clock with a selection of favorite tunes as well as themes that you can also choose from and apply your favorite. It also comes equipped with weather information update, which enables you to view the weather information for a variety of regions at different time zones. It is designed with a sleep timer as well that can lull you to sleep at your appointed sleeping time. Description My Alarm Clock is a great app specifically designed for those people who like to do specific tasks at the appointed time or the set time without any delay and as scheduled. This is because it comes equipped with a number of features, such as; A wide variety of tunes to choose from or custom music: Using this app, you will be assured of a wide variety of tunes that you can use for the reminder alerts. Designer themes and looks: The alarm clock app is designed and comes equipped with a number of designer themes that you can be able to choose from, for awesome looks of the alarm clock. Beautiful Clock Widgets to choose from: You can be able to find a number of wonderful looking clock widgets that you can choose from, just in case the current look doesn't look so pleasing to you. Easy accessibility: As compared to the normal clock app your device, this app is easy to access as it will just be on your home screen, where you can use it at any time. Background Alarm support: The alarm clock app comes equipped with a background support, where you do not have to worry about the app activated at all times as the alarm will still ring even if the app is not running. Night-mode: You can easily be able to dim your alarm clock app when going to sleep such that the light does not inconvenience you. How it Works Once you download and install the 'My Alarm clock' app on your android device, you simply need to set the themes that you want, as well as the tunes, which can either be the default that comes with the app, or custom from the songs in your playlist, depending on your preferences. For the modes of your preference, such as night mode, you simply need to tap on the settings icon, then tap on the mode that you want. Pros Plenty of free themes as well as modes to choose from, that you can be able to customize your clock app with. Nice tunes that you can customize according to your preference, to ensure that you wake up on time or do not miss any important event at all. Selection of clock widgets that can enable you to check the time right on your home screen and easy access. The app is free to…

AppsListo - App Review

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App Reuse Value

On Time

My Alarm Clock app is a great software, especially if you want to keep at par with all your tasks in a day as scheduled and not miss anything important.

User Rating: 4.7 ( 1 votes)

Download From Google Play

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