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NocNock: A feature rich and visually pleasing personality profiler

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nocnock_appslistoNocNock personality profiler app for iOS is a personality assessment tool which helps teams and individuals to communicate effectively based on the personality and behavioural characteristics of the users.The developers of NocNock have been involved in building psychometric tools and have taken inspiration form DiSC and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to develop NocNock. NocNock uses a statistically valid personality assessment to visually represent the information in the form of observable traits.

NocNock is targeted at helping teams members to develop a greater insight into the personality dynamics among themselves, resulting in better communication and a greater degree of collaboration. Teams can identify strengths and weaknesses of each member and develop an effective communication channel to utilize the maximum potential of the group. Sales personnel can also use NocNock to gain a better insight into the behavioural pattern of their customers leading to an overall better service. On a more general level,family members and teachers can also use the app to communicate more effectively.Users can also use the app for self-development to identify their traits which help in better communication overall.

NocNock uses data collected from the users to determine the characteristics of the user. The user has to complete a primary survey at the beginning which is used to identify how the user communicates with others and influences them. Based on these inputs, the tool ranks the traits of the user in four categories, Directive,Expressive,Considerate and Systematic. These are displayed visually in the user’s profile.The traits which is the most dominant is termed as the “high trait” and the trait with the lowest score is “low trait”.

Users can create an adaptive profile which enables them to discover how the traits adapt to different situations.Users can also create a modified profile which best suits their perceptions of the traits within them by simply editing the visual stack provided from the primary profile. User can choose to share any one of the primary stack, adapted stack or the modified stack with their connections.

Users can start forming connections either by sending invites via LinkedIn, Facebook and mail, or by accepting requests sent by other users. Once connections have been made, users can view the traits of the connections. NocNock provides comparisons between the user and the connections and instructs the user on the ways of effectively communicating with the connections.The app provides various Do s and Don’t s as well as provides recommendations for effectively utilizing “high” and “low” traits of the connections.It also provides trait combinations between the user and the connections which further enhances the usability of the information.

NocNock is a truly unique app which provides a simple UI with visually rich info graphics regarding the behavioral traits. When compared to other similar apps, NocNock is free,doesn’t have any distracting ads, and provides detailed reports to the users The app allows users to connect with others and compare their traits and model their communication pattern accordingly.This truly improves the productivity of teams as well improves the overall communication of the individual users. All of these combine to make NocNock a truly compelling choice for any individual or teams on the lookout for such an app. NocNock has certainly grabbed my attention and it is my top pick in this segment for now.

NocNock personality profiler app for iOS is a personality assessment tool which helps teams and individuals to communicate effectively based on the personality and behavioural characteristics of the users.The developers of NocNock have been involved in building psychometric tools and have taken inspiration form DiSC and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to develop NocNock. NocNock uses a statistically valid personality assessment to visually represent the information in the form of observable traits. NocNock is targeted at helping teams members to develop a greater insight into the personality dynamics among themselves, resulting in better communication and a greater degree of collaboration. Teams can identify strengths and weaknesses of each member and develop an effective communication channel to utilize the maximum potential of the group. Sales personnel can also use NocNock to gain a better insight into the behavioural pattern of their customers leading to an overall better service. On a more general level,family members and teachers can also use the app to communicate more effectively.Users can also use the app for self-development to identify their traits which help in better communication overall. NocNock uses data collected from the users to determine the characteristics of the user. The user has to complete a primary survey at the beginning which is used to identify how the user communicates with others and influences them. Based on these inputs, the tool ranks the traits of the user in four categories, Directive,Expressive,Considerate and Systematic. These are displayed visually in the user's profile.The traits which is the most dominant is termed as the “high trait” and the trait with the lowest score is “low trait”. Users can create an adaptive profile which enables them to discover how the traits adapt to different situations.Users can also create a modified profile which best suits their perceptions of the traits within them by simply editing the visual stack provided from the primary profile. User can choose to share any one of the primary stack, adapted stack or the modified stack with their connections. Users can start forming connections either by sending invites via LinkedIn, Facebook and mail, or by accepting requests sent by other users. Once connections have been made, users can view the traits of the connections. NocNock provides comparisons between the user and the connections and instructs the user on the ways of effectively communicating with the connections.The app provides various Do s and Don't s as well as provides recommendations for effectively utilizing “high” and “low” traits of the connections.It also provides trait combinations between the user and the connections which further enhances the usability of the information. NocNock is a truly unique app which provides a simple UI with visually rich info graphics regarding the behavioral traits. When compared to other similar apps, NocNock is free,doesn't have any distracting ads, and provides detailed reports to the users The app allows users to connect with others and compare their traits and model their communication pattern accordingly.This truly improves the productivity of teams as well improves the overall communication of…

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The app allows users to connect with others and compare their traits and model their communication pattern accordingly

User Rating: 4.8 ( 1 votes)

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