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Clear The Board To Win The Round In Word Be-Gone

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word_be_gone_iconWord based puzzle games can drive you crazy at times. There are some word games that are really difficult to solve and they can make you go out of mind at times. One such game is Word Be-Gone which may sound easy to play but is quite difficult if you don’t have good stock of words. The game requires you swipe away words from the board to clear it. While it is easy in the beginning levels the game gets tough as you progress.

In the classic version of the game, players can use traditional word search rules. This means, you can check for words in the vertical, diagonal and horizontal pattern and you will be able to make a number of words to clear the board. However, the word Be-gone twist mode, you will have to think differently. You can be creative as long as letters are adjacent to each other. You can be as creative as you want. Your goal is to clear the board and that has to be done with proper planning. These two different puzzles will make the game quite interesting from the beginning.

The content of the game is created by puzzle-writing team of David L. Hoyt and Colin Morgan. While David has written “Jumble” he is also the person whose word puzzles are published in over 700 newspapers all over the world. USA Today, the New York Daily News, the Chicago Tribune, the LA Times, and the Washington Post are some of those papers. So it is possible to understand how distinctive and well-structured puzzle game it can be.

The word game is based on levels and medals and you can get additional hits from the app store. There are several options as far as hints are concerned and the fire word bundles can be really helpful at times. The in-app purchases can be accessed from the store itself.

The game Word Be-gone can be downloaded for free from the iTunes store. The game requires iOS 6.0 or later. The version 1.18 of the game takes around 23.2 MB space on your device.


Word based puzzle games can drive you crazy at times. There are some word games that are really difficult to solve and they can make you go out of mind at times. One such game is Word Be-Gone which may sound easy to play but is quite difficult if you don’t have good stock of words. The game requires you swipe away words from the board to clear it. While it is easy in the beginning levels the game gets tough as you progress. In the classic version of the game, players can use traditional word search rules. This means, you can check for words in the vertical, diagonal and horizontal pattern and you will be able to make a number of words to clear the board. However, the word Be-gone twist mode, you will have to think differently. You can be creative as long as letters are adjacent to each other. You can be as creative as you want. Your goal is to clear the board and that has to be done with proper planning. These two different puzzles will make the game quite interesting from the beginning. The content of the game is created by puzzle-writing team of David L. Hoyt and Colin Morgan. While David has written “Jumble” he is also the person whose word puzzles are published in over 700 newspapers all over the world. USA Today, the New York Daily News, the Chicago Tribune, the LA Times, and the Washington Post are some of those papers. So it is possible to understand how distinctive and well-structured puzzle game it can be. The word game is based on levels and medals and you can get additional hits from the app store. There are several options as far as hints are concerned and the fire word bundles can be really helpful at times. The in-app purchases can be accessed from the store itself. The game Word Be-gone can be downloaded for free from the iTunes store. The game requires iOS 6.0 or later. The version 1.18 of the game takes around 23.2 MB space on your device.   [taq_review] [symple_button url="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/word-be-gone/id893266248" color="blue" button_target="_self" btnrel="nofollow"]Download From App Store[/symple_button]

Appslisto - App Review

App Concept
Game play elements
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Replay Value


The puzzle game is really quite interesting and increases your concentration and a real challenge to your creativity and planning skills

User Rating: 4.33 ( 2 votes)

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