True serenity is consistently inside your grip. You got a home security framework to keep the trouble makers out, however it likewise causes you keep your friends and family in. Home security frameworks are superb things. Getting back from a night out or a get-away and experiencing a gatecrasher in your home can be a terrifying experience. They help ensure your family and your resources. For those with little kids or old friends and family to think about, a home security framework can be the perfect ticket for ensuring they are free from any potential harm inside your home. Phones have brought about various homes where there is not, at this point an essential landline or home phone. Innovation has presented a safer type of checking through a remote flagging gadget.
Wave2Cloud is a mobile app that brings home security to your device.

Developed by:
‘Wave2Cloud’ was designed and offered by Wave2Cloud.
How the app works:
Download and launch the ‘Wave2Cloud’ app on your mobile phone or other similar devices. The Wave2Cloud app allows audio event detection and alerts in your property when you are away or sleeping in the night. This app works using artificial intelligence technique on your phone. This app is highly helpful while you are away and can leave your house, pets, office or other properties safely behind. This app allows you to monitor the security of your home right from your mobile phone. It works on all Android and Windows 10 devices.
Features of the app:
‘Wave2Cloud’ has many alluring features of which some are listed here.
- Highly efficient security system
- Easy to use
- Can be used in your local devices such as mobile phones and PCs
- Can secure all kinds of assets

Compatible with:

Home Security App
Concept - 84%
Home Security - 84%
User Experience - 85%
Wave2Cloud is the only app does audio event detection and alert. Wave2Cloud brings artificial intelligence technology to your phone. Install it on our old phone or Windows 10 computer.