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Plan your Data Expenses

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Plan your Data expenses while travelling with MTX data only SIMs

Be it looking for your favorite song or instant translation assistance when you are traveling to a new place, the internet is the thing that can provide you with quick help. Being connected to the internet has become a necessity in the modern world and in reality it has made things much simpler for everyone. Till the time of PCs and laptop it was not truly possible to have the web at the fingertips, but with the emergence of smartphones, the internet is actually with you all the time. However, to have internet in your pocket 24×7, apart from the charges of your phone calls, you also have to pay for data consumption. It is just like the way you have to pay for the internet connection in your home and to keep a check on your total bill it is essential to be aware about your total data consumption.  

According to a recent survey conducted by MTX Connect which included over 500 participants, majority of the Americans have no idea about how much data they actually consume. Opting for the WiFi network is surely the most cost effective option to access the net, but it is not always available and is not always safe either. A clear idea about the increased amount of wireless data consumption by the Americans can be found from the research report of Mobidia, which points out to the fact that currently wireless customers in the U.S. consume 1.8GB cellular data each month, compared to the 450MB data per month as published in Nielsen report in 2012.

This increased rate of data consumption stresses on the point that if Americans are not willing to pay a hefty bill for wireless data consumption, it is the time they should become aware about their data needs and the best data plans available. To inform the Americans about the need of being cautious about their total data consumption, particularly when they are travelling, the survey reports have been released as infographic that makes it plain to understand.   

The data consumption charges start to build up even more when the users are on roaming. If you are going on a vacation, the increased amount of data charge can add exuberantly to your total travel expenses; and you cannot really consider the option of not consuming data when you are travelling, because it is the time when you need the web by your side the most. In order to make things easier and much cost effective for the American travelers MTX Connecthas launched their data only plans particularly designed for the travelers going to Europe.

These data only SIMs are the most cost effective way of travelling with data. These SIMs are prepaid and can be used on tablets, smartphones and even on the modems for notebooks running any of the three Operating Systems (Window, Android and iOS). These data only SIMs can be used across 30 countries in the Europe and gives you the opportunity to plan your data expenses beforehand to ensure that it does not dig a hole in your pocket.

Learn more at www.mtxc.eu. Follow MTX Connect on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mtxconnect.

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