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Do you know the struggle to decide which restaurant you choose when dining? Have you ever arrived at a restaurant only to see a C or a D in a window? The answer may be ‘Yes’. Isn’t it? Introducing No dining Curves for you! The noble app that has all the great zone restaurants. No dining curves is a restaurant app that provides restaurant’s food safety scores, customer reviews and food menus so people can have the safest and satisfying dining experience. You don’t need to go from restaurants to restaurants to find the one with decent rates. The app provides menus, health instruction grades and customer grades of restaurants which is very helpful for you.

The app has been developed by Vanguard I.T., which is a  company that provides technology to other firms. The app falls under the ‘Food and Drink’ category and is compatible with the latest Android Operating Systems. The app doesn’t grade on a curve, so you won’t dine on one! For those who are looking for an amazing place to dine in with good ambience and food grades, the app is recommended for them!

So basically, what Non dining curves is all about? It helps you to keep track of all the restaurants with the customer ratings and food grades. You don’t need to surf the Internet and keep wasting time in searching the best restaurants. It’s a genuine app and gives the list of the restaurants which are highly rated and liked by the people. The list includes: Favorites, Recommended, A-listers, Location, and Cuisines and their Menus as well.

Moreover, you will be able to categorize the restaurants and the type of cuisine and it can be anything like Chinese, Thai, Italian and a lot of other varieties. The restaurants which are rated as ‘A’ grade are present at the top of the list. The app gives you the location of each and every restaurant in the city along with a map which features the correct address, customer ratings, inspection grade, and the distance from your location.

So if any family function or a date is near, you can plan for a party with your family and the special ones in your life by choosing No dining curves. You will get the best options and the most satisfying experience there! Stop downloading PDF files with restaurant menus and get No dining curves now. Unfortunately, this app is not available in your country. However, if you are living in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Oakland, San Francisco and Seattle, in any one of these cities, then you can enjoy the benefits of this app. Soon, it will be introduced at your place too! The app is available for free of cost and in-app purchases are also available.

If you have any query, you can contact the team of No dining curves any time and get your queries resolved via

Get the app now and dine in at the best restaurant!


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Android Apps

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