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Edge Diary – App Review

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Writing a diary has once been a very popular activity among children and teenagers. They can write down their joy and sadness, or just something special that happened in their life. However, with the rapid development of smartphone technology, writing diary entries on a physical book becomes less and less popular.

Edge Diary is the new diary application offered by Apple iOS for users to make diary entries. After using the application for a period of time, I will provide a review here.

Firstly, it is pretty easy to make an entry. There is a large calendar of the current month at the top of the interface when you first entered the application, and you can just tap the respective date for making an entry. The dates that you have made an entry are displayed with a small red dot under it, while those that are without an entry are marked with a white dot.
This helps the users to easily track his diary habit.

When you are making your entry, the interface is also generally easy to use and convenient. You can freely type what you want to be remembered for the day. In addition, you can add photos together with your written diary. I believe this is a special features and a distinguished pro of the application since in traditional diary, you cannot insert photos. This provides values to the application, and reasons for customers to make diary entries using the application instead of traditional diary books.

However, a down side of the application is that only paragraphs are available for words. When you are making your diary entry on a piece of paper, you can freely do what you want to do on it, from drawing a little lovely rabbit to writing enlarged and specifically self-designed swear words to express your anger. This cannot easily be done on this application, since there is no ‘Draw’ function. As a result, your diary entry can only be limited to lines of words coupled with occasional squares of pictures. This lead to a lack of unique personality of the diary, which I believe is the most important problem of the application.

Another trouble for me is that since I make a diary entry on IPhone instead of IPad, the words are too small and too tightly packed. I will feel a certain level of boredom when I open the application, and what I see is only small words, tiny words and ants of words. This may be a potential problem in attracting continual users. However, I must say that if one makes entries using an IPad, the situation would most probably be much better.

Finally, when it comes to the verdict, I will still recommend a try for this application. This is because making diary entries on a smartphone is better than not doing diaries at all. After all, Edge Diary is easy to use and you can make a quick entry. For its current problems, I hope
that further updates would alleviate them, and provide a better version of the App.

Writing a diary has once been a very popular activity among children and teenagers. They can write down their joy and sadness, or just something special that happened in their life. However, with the rapid development of smartphone technology, writing diary entries on a physical book becomes less and less popular. Edge Diary is the new diary application offered by Apple iOS for users to make diary entries. After using the application for a period of time, I will provide a review here. Firstly, it is pretty easy to make an entry. There is a large calendar of the current month at the top of the interface when you first entered the application, and you can just tap the respective date for making an entry. The dates that you have made an entry are displayed with a small red dot under it, while those that are without an entry are marked with a white dot. This helps the users to easily track his diary habit. When you are making your entry, the interface is also generally easy to use and convenient. You can freely type what you want to be remembered for the day. In addition, you can add photos together with your written diary. I believe this is a special features and a distinguished pro of the application since in traditional diary, you cannot insert photos. This provides values to the application, and reasons for customers to make diary entries using the application instead of traditional diary books. However, a down side of the application is that only paragraphs are available for words. When you are making your diary entry on a piece of paper, you can freely do what you want to do on it, from drawing a little lovely rabbit to writing enlarged and specifically self-designed swear words to express your anger. This cannot easily be done on this application, since there is no ‘Draw’ function. As a result, your diary entry can only be limited to lines of words coupled with occasional squares of pictures. This lead to a lack of unique personality of the diary, which I believe is the most important problem of the application. Another trouble for me is that since I make a diary entry on IPhone instead of IPad, the words are too small and too tightly packed. I will feel a certain level of boredom when I open the application, and what I see is only small words, tiny words and ants of words. This may be a potential problem in attracting continual users. However, I must say that if one makes entries using an IPad, the situation would most probably be much better. Finally, when it comes to the verdict, I will still recommend a try for this application. This is because making diary entries on a smartphone is better than not doing diaries at all. After all, Edge Diary is easy to use and you can make a quick entry. For its current problems, I hope that further…

AppsListo App Review

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App Reuse Value

You can freely type what you want to be remembered for the day. In addition, you can add photos together with your written diary.

User Rating: 4.9 ( 1 votes)

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