All posts by: Edwin


Hello! My name is Edwin, a professional journalist and editor with more than 9 years of writing experience! I love writing well-researched, engaging and educative content. I love to write articles about apps, technology and to write reviews about products, businesses and services.


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Inspro is an excellent app that is rich in features and has unique concepts. This is the app that is unlike anything you’ve used before, and it’s a refreshing addition for benefit of users. ..

4 years ago

Clash Of Zombies

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When a horror game terrifies us, escaping from or overcoming the danger fills us with a massive feeling of relief. This relief comes in the form of dopamine which can relax our muscles. So are you someone ..

4 years ago

No you pick!

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While things have been a bit busy schedule for me as of late, I still manage to make some time for familiar Android apps when I have some leisure or downtime to spare. It’s getting rarer to see unique ..

4 years ago