Charity Miles

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Charity Miles is absolute free app that professionally enables you to earn money for charity whenever you walk, run or bike. It seems everything is done professionally well as you uncover many key features which just illustrate or show how much care was put into the app during development.

Charity Miles primarily donates money to the company of your choice when you utilize the app to log miles running, walking, or bicycling. Moreover, the Corporate sponsors generally agree to donate a few cents for every mile you complete, and in exchange, you view their branding and information about them in the app.

With this reputed app of Charity Miles, you can develop your own Pledge Page where your friends can sponsor you even if you’re not doing a marathon or race. Thereby the more your friends pledge, the more money you can ultimately earn.

It is said that most people raise money by doing things like marathons and 10Ks. But presently you can do it year-round, even if you’re not doing a race and without having to trouble your friends. It’s great to reach out to ask your friends to sponsor you personally.

So by sharing your Charity Miles on social media will give your friends the golden opportunity to find your Pledge Page and get some support your way. Without having to reach out every time and basically does the fundraising for you.

In addition, when your friends sponsor you, they will enter into a drawing to win prizes from sponsors, like a trip to Hawaii. Thereby more money you earn for your charity, the more chances you’ll have to win exciting prizes and even more money for your charity from sponsors too.

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Charity Miles is absolute free app that professionally enables you to earn money for charity whenever you walk, run or bike. It seems everything is done professionally well as you uncover many key features which just illustrate or show how much care was put into the app during development. Charity Miles primarily donates money to the company of your choice when you utilize the app to log miles running, walking, or bicycling. Moreover, the Corporate sponsors generally agree to donate a few cents for every mile you complete, and in exchange, you view their branding and information about them in the app. With this reputed app of Charity Miles, you can develop your own Pledge Page where your friends can sponsor you even if you’re not doing a marathon or race. Thereby the more your friends pledge, the more money you can ultimately earn. It is said that most people raise money by doing things like marathons and 10Ks. But presently you can do it year-round, even if you’re not doing a race and without having to trouble your friends. It’s great to reach out to ask your friends to sponsor you personally. So by sharing your Charity Miles on social media will give your friends the golden opportunity to find your Pledge Page and get some support your way. Without having to reach out every time and basically does the fundraising for you. In addition, when your friends sponsor you, they will enter into a drawing to win prizes from sponsors, like a trip to Hawaii. Thereby more money you earn for your charity, the more chances you’ll have to win exciting prizes and even more money for your charity from sponsors too. Eventually, if your business is looking for App Marketing, Digital Marketing Agency, Mobile App Reviews, SEO Services, Bitcoin Exchange Script, HYIP Script, Cryptocurrency Exchange Script, HYIP Software, Quality Content Management services don’t hesitate to enlist extra help from GegoSoft. DOWNLOAD FROM APP STORE :

Charity Miles

User Experience

Earning App

Charity Miles is a free app that enables you to earn money for charity whenever you walk, run or bike. Anytime. Anywhere.

User Rating: 3.87 ( 1 votes)
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iPhone / iPad Apps

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